Tried and Tested – Schwarzkopf Goodbye Yellow
Published: 13 Sep, 2023
For those of you with blonde hair who want to achieve that cool, icy look, there’s a new product here at Cutting Club, Cleethorpes that might just be what you’ve been looking for!
It wouldn’t simply do for us to just introduce you to this new product, we just had to try it out too, so we sent our resident blogger downstairs into the salon to try out this new treatment.
We’d love for you to meet Schwarzkopf Professional’s Good-Bye Yellow, a new innovative product for neutralising your blonde. Free from SLS/SLES Sulphates (those pesky foaming agents that can strip and irritate your scalp) Good Bye Yellow is kinder and gentler to your hair, whilst still packing a punch in terms of cooling your blonde and achieving that much sought after cool tone.
So we’ll hand over to Becky from here, so she can give you her account of the Good Bye Yellow experience…
Hair Today…
My stylist has been bleaching my hair for just under a year now, I’ve pretty much every colour under the sun, but have been rocking the silvery blonde now for a while. I usually maintain the cooler tones in my hair with a shop bought silver/violet shampoo. It does the job okay, but I wanted something that could take it to the next level.
*Hangs head in shame* at the tattiness of my hair, but you get a general idea, there’ some warm tones in there that need toning.
The Process…
This is a product you can use at home, but you can also have it as an additional treatment when you come in for your regular cut and blow dry, Charlea our Junior Stylist applied the shampoo, which can be used as just a shampoo or a leave in treatment up to 10 minutes depending on the intensity of colour you’d like. Using the shampoo as just that, will rid your hair of yellow tones and clarify your blonde; leaving it on means it acts as a toner and depending on how long you leave it can tone your hair right up to fashion grey.
We opted for somewhere in between leaving it on for around 5 minutes.
The hair is then rinsed and a colour protect conditioner is used to seal the treatment.
The Results…
As you can see from the pictures there is a subtle but noticeable change in the hair’s colour, it has removed the brassy yellow tones and has a definite cooler look about it. Next time I would love to leave the product on that bit longer to achieve that real grey look, but I am really happy with the way it’s changed my hair and can see that with repeated use, it’s going to transform my blonde experience.